Sunday, July 18, 2010



you only have one life to live.
only one chance to give.
time slips away fast,
soon the present will be the past.
modern will turn to history,
the tyranny of life is truly a mystery.

we are born young.
Innocent. fresh. life has begun.
we inhale life with out noticing the sent.
we dont see what life has to present.
we take steps to big to notice the smaller ones in between.
we dont value, and we fail to trust.
the world could be sweet,
but is full of unjust.

and youth learns a bad way of living.
with hurting, imposing. not love and giving.
earth is scarred, lets face it.
one person isnt enough to change it.
turning coal into gold,
needs a miracle to unfold.

we can bond together.
we dont live forever.
we need to live!
there is only one time to be you,
only one chance to enjoy lifes view.
if you havent thought of this,
here is your cue.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

stars in the sunlight.

the stars in the sky are like diamonds at night.
to look at them is a glorious sight!
but where do they come from?
there do they go during the day
when the sun provides our play?
stars are a diamond collection.
each cut and shaped to absolute perfection.
at least that is how it seems,
but how is it behind the scenes?
a star in the sunlight is magical.
even with light.
stars never stop shining whether
they are being shone or not.
behind the scenes or on the spot.
their night performance is fantastic!
but their ability during the day is drastic.
stars are like philosophers you see,
they are much older and wiser than you and me.
they live many years.
they laugh, they shed tears.
in the sunlight they are still guiding you
whether or not they are being seen.
they arent always visible,
at night to see them your eyesight doesnt need to be keen.
stars in the sunlight is clever and bright!
they dont need to be the center of attention.
they dont want everyone to know they give love and affection.
no, they are much to wise.
they dont need a plague, nor medal to prove it.
they just love, and care!
that is their reward, their prize.
yes, diamond are great to look at.
but stars in the sunlight are far beyond that.

life train

the train took a slow start
you say your goodbyes, and then you part.
the whistle blew,
the engine roared,
on the train of life you cant possibly be bored.
you pass meadows, fields, and cities,
meeting new friends,
calm, sweet, or witty.
many adventures are played,
many mistakes are made,
but each consequence must be fairly paid.
you learn so many lessons.
each gift of life is a counted blessin'.
each mistake is a lesson learned,
and every pain is somehow earned.
the train of life is a crazy ride.
if your a downer, please step aside!
though these tracks arent all smooth,
the make me want to jump, dance, and move!
there is a rumble.
everybody stumbles, and fumbles.
the conductor comes to announce that indeed the engine is down.
the other passengers mainly frown.
theyre smiles flipping upside-down.
the ride was put on hold.
a misfortune, but a great story to be told.
after a wait,
they start up the train.
no need be late!
the riders mingle.
they speak chinese, french, and some bilingual.
there is great variety
in this great society.
the sun sets, the moon is soon to rise.
you must prepare to say your goodbyes.
the ground zooms below you,
the trees outside a blur.
this ride sure has made you wise.
you look in the distance
to see a building coming closer with no resistance.
ahead is your stop.
your ride may end, but your soul wont drop.
the ground comes into focus.
the speed declines.
so much you have learned!
more knowledge fresh in your mind.
the train slows to a complete stop.
your heart stops beating, a freeze.
you step outside and feel a breeze.
the train has left you at your station.
your ride has been an amazing creation.
you spread your wings, take hold of your halo
and wave the train goodbye
as it disappears into the sky.
the train of life is a beauty.
ride to the fullest and enjoy the stops!
for you never know when your ride will drop.